September Update

20 people standing together
Image: Pace Faculty, staff, and Continuing Education team welcome a new cohort of learners from Kendal on Hudson (a senior living campus). OLC staff documented the event.

Media Production in August

  • • 19 hours of consultations with faculty and staff in Dyson, College of Health Professions, English Language Institute, Haub Law, and Pace Online.
  • • 6 videos produced (65 minutes total) and 9 edited projects.

Updates and Highlights

  • – Brian presented on OLC services at Virtual Resources Fairs, including a new session focused on the Law school.
  • – We began production for the Health Informatics program, creating the first 4 of a series of videos for the fall semester. We are using Canva to collaboratively assembly animated slides around Professor Solomon’s audio recordings.
  • –  Ever wonder how a project goes from start to finish? We’ve added to our case studies highlighting OLC services.
  • Production Tip of the month: You can make an engaging video with a great audio recording. Try recording your lecture first, then adding graphics afterwards. Use subtle animations to hold your audience’s attention.

  • Please contact OLC staff to reserve studio time or collaborate with us.

Robinson Dedication – Program Video

Hello! Please follow these guidelines for submitting your Program video.

Please record your remarks using Zoom or your phone’s camera app. Please keep your remarks to 1-3 minutes.

If you are using Zoom, please use these settings:

  • Video > select “HD”
  • Background & Effects > Use the “blur” setting to blur the focus of your background.
  • Recording > use “Local Recording” so you can easily share your file via email or Google Drive (see email for details).

If you use your phone’s Camera App, please:

  • – Use a tripod (or tripod-like device) to stabilize your phone.
  • – Shoot in a landscape (horizontal) format.

Here are a few more items to consider before you record:

  • Lighting: If you have a ring light or desk lamp, use it in addition to other room lighting. Face toward a window, if you can, but definitely don’t turn your back to one!
  • Sound: Try your best to eliminate background noise.
  • Framing: To eliminate distortion, your camera should be at the same height as your nose. If you have a laptop, try resting it on a box.
  • Edits: No editing necessary! Don’t worry about an awkward start or finish: Pace staff will trim the beginning and end of your file. (We can remove awkward pauses as well.)