Pace Online Graduation: Recording with Zoom

Hello Pace Online Commencement Speakers!

We are asking speakers to record their speeches for broadcast during the Pace Online graduation event on May 16th. Here are the details you need:

Please record your speech in Zoom with our background (link below). Please review these Zoom settings before you hit record:

  • Video > select “HD”
  • Background & Filters > add and select the background file (download here)
  • Recording > use “Local Recording” so you can easily upload the file to our Dropbox or Google Drive (

Here are a few more items to consider before you record:

  • Lighting: If you have a ring light or desk lamp, use it in addition to other room lighting. Face toward a window, if you can, but definitely don’t turn your back to one!
  • Sound: Try your best to eliminate background noise.
  • Framing: To eliminate distortion, your camera should be at the same height as your nose. If you have a laptop, try resting it on a box.
  • Edits: No editing necessary! We will broadcast your speech as if you are delivering it live. However, Pace staff will trim the beginning and end of your file. Don’t worry about an awkward start or finish!
  • Questions? Or would you like remote assistance? Reach out to Pace staff at We’re happy to help!
This is an example of what your video will look like.


When you have finished your recording, please share your file with the Pace Online team with either Google Drive ( or Dropbox ( Thank you!

Please reach out to Online Learning Center staff at if you have any questions. Good luck!

March Update

Image: SOE and “TOC II” student Evan Shaw shares his academic story.

Media Production in February

  • • 31 hours of consultations with faculty and staff in Dyson, College of Health Professions, ELI, Haub Law, and the School of Education.
  • 15 videos produced (353 minutes total); 4 additional edited cuts.

Highlights and Upcoming

  • – OLC staff continued weekly recording sessions with Haub Law instructor Linda Martin to create asynchronous course content for the Health Law Seminar.
  • – We published the final cut of the School of Ed’s “TOC II [Teacher Opportunity Corps]” video spotlight. This will be shared at an upcoming conference and then published online.
  • – Brian and Joe Seijo (Instructional Design) began building a “best online design practices” repository to inspire new course design (and course refreshes) in Classes.

Production Tip of the month: Use the teleprompter and engage your students with eye contact.

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