November Update

Image: The Professional Education and Special Projects (PESP) staff convened this month to take stock of initiatives and forward-looking goals. The OLC is a Pace Online unit which is part of PESP.

Media Production in October

  • • 29 hours of consultations with faculty and staff in Dyson, College of Health Professions, Haub Law, ELI, and the School of Education.
  • • 12 videos produced; 2 additional edited cuts (245 minutes total).

Updates and Highlights

We recently hosted a webinar on “Creating Dynamic Video Presentations with Canva” (watch the session here) with over 30 attendees. There seems to be a lot of interest in using tools like Canva. Thanks to Nan Solomons (Health Informatics) for joining us and talking about our collaboration.

So, what’s happening in November? This is a busy time of the year! Here are some current and upcoming productions:

  • – We are supporting the production of a multi-episode podcast for Brian Jones’ Writing for Diversity in Theater and Media grant.
  • Sands College “Spotlight”: This is the second year the OLC supported the production of the Senior Spotlight videos. This year, it is a weekend-long production, from Thursday through Monday in early December.
  • – We continued production for the Health Informatics program, continuing weekly videos for HINF 610, using audio voiceovers with custom graphics and Canva animations.
  • – OLC staff assist other Pace staff in developing and creating promotional videos. We are currently working on projects in Dyson (Dean’s Office and Biology), Haub (Development team in PLV), School of Education, HEASA, Continuing Ed, and the English Language Institute.
  • – We are in preproduction for a Lubin (PLV) “Elevator Pitch” video project in collaboration with Jim Davis. Shooting starts in November.
  • – We will work with Haub professor Jill Gross to begin developing video materials for law courses. Shooting starts in December.
  • Production Tip of the month: Adobe Express (an online application and part of Adobe Creative Cloud) is an online presentation/video-making software similar to Canva. Stock (free-to-use) graphics and easy-to-use animation tools help turn presentations into eye-catching videos.

  • Please contact OLC staff to reserve studio time or collaborate with us.

October Update

Image: Class on the first day of “Podcasting: Non-fiction audio storytelling,” a course that Brian is teaching in Communications (Dyson College) this term.

Media Production in September

  • • 28 hours of consultations with faculty and staff in Sands College, Dyson, College of Health Professions, Haub Law, and Pace Online.
  • • 13 videos produced (370 minutes total) and 3 edited projects.

Updates and Highlights

  • – Brian is teaching “Podcasting: Non-fiction audio storytelling” this semester. This is a new offering in Dyson’s Communications and Media Studies program in NYC. Several current OLC projects are also will result in podcasts, including Brian Jones’ “Writing for Diversity and Equity in Theater and Media” grant project. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes on WPUB (Pace U’s radio station).
  • – We continued production for the Health Informatics program, continuing weekly “smart presentations” for HINF 610, using audio voiceovers with custom graphics and Canva animations.
  • – Paul Rink (Haub) and Dan Strahs (Dyson) have been recording weekly videos as asynchronous offerings for their current courses.
  • Production Tip of the month:You can create podcasts in the OLC. We have several custom studio set-ups for recording solo or with guests. We’ll also help you edit your episode in Adobe Audition.

  • Please contact OLC staff to reserve studio time or collaborate with us.

September Update

20 people standing together
Image: Pace Faculty, staff, and Continuing Education team welcome a new cohort of learners from Kendal on Hudson (a senior living campus). OLC staff documented the event.

Media Production in August

  • • 19 hours of consultations with faculty and staff in Dyson, College of Health Professions, English Language Institute, Haub Law, and Pace Online.
  • • 6 videos produced (65 minutes total) and 9 edited projects.

Updates and Highlights

  • – Brian presented on OLC services at Virtual Resources Fairs, including a new session focused on the Law school.
  • – We began production for the Health Informatics program, creating the first 4 of a series of videos for the fall semester. We are using Canva to collaboratively assembly animated slides around Professor Solomon’s audio recordings.
  • –  Ever wonder how a project goes from start to finish? We’ve added to our case studies highlighting OLC services.
  • Production Tip of the month: You can make an engaging video with a great audio recording. Try recording your lecture first, then adding graphics afterwards. Use subtle animations to hold your audience’s attention.

  • Please contact OLC staff to reserve studio time or collaborate with us.

Robinson Dedication – Program Video

Hello! Please follow these guidelines for submitting your Program video.

Please record your remarks using Zoom or your phone’s camera app. Please keep your remarks to 1-3 minutes.

If you are using Zoom, please use these settings:

  • Video > select “HD”
  • Background & Effects > Use the “blur” setting to blur the focus of your background.
  • Recording > use “Local Recording” so you can easily share your file via email or Google Drive (see email for details).

If you use your phone’s Camera App, please:

  • – Use a tripod (or tripod-like device) to stabilize your phone.
  • – Shoot in a landscape (horizontal) format.

Here are a few more items to consider before you record:

  • Lighting: If you have a ring light or desk lamp, use it in addition to other room lighting. Face toward a window, if you can, but definitely don’t turn your back to one!
  • Sound: Try your best to eliminate background noise.
  • Framing: To eliminate distortion, your camera should be at the same height as your nose. If you have a laptop, try resting it on a box.
  • Edits: No editing necessary! Don’t worry about an awkward start or finish: Pace staff will trim the beginning and end of your file. (We can remove awkward pauses as well.)

Case Study: Pitches and Marketing

Programs: Lubin School of Business and Career Services (led by Jim Davis, Assistant Director, Lubin Programs and Services)

Goal: Assist Senior business majors in creating a brief “elevator pitch” video they can use when applying for jobs. Deliver edited video file to students for publication on career platforms such as LinkedIn.

Outcome: After prototyping a collaboration and production model with two students, we plan to offer seniors the opportunity to sign up for this project in Fall ’23. All shooting will take place on a single day, with students delivering a polished performance in 1-2 takes. With preparation, students will be able to use a teleprompter.

Image: Jim Davis delivers a pitch to students using the teleprompter.

Continue reading “Case Study: Pitches and Marketing”

Case Study: An Online Certificate

Programs: Continuing Education collaborating with faculty from the Elizabeth Haub School of Law.

Goal: Create a video-centric curriculum for paralegals on the Classes platform. Work with a team of ~8 law faculty to create a 15-week experience. The curriculum will be designed so students work through videos, quizzes, and short essay prompts, and have a chance to meet with faculty during virtual office hours.

Outcome: The Paralegal Certificate Program will launch in Fall ’23. Comprised of 190 short videos (10-15 minutes each) across 12 modules, the program will require students to spend 4-6 hours/week on the curriculum (videos will account for about half of that time).

Image: Professor David Dorfman lectures on the American Legal System.

Continue reading “Case Study: An Online Certificate”

Case Study: Senior Showcases

Similar to Capstone Presentations, Senior Showcases are a great reason for faculty to take advantage of OLC services and support.

Image: Students perform a scene.

Programs: BA in Theater Arts; BFA in Acting for Stage.

Goal: Capture student performances (monologues and scenes) over several class sessions hosted in the OLC. Students will use recordings to promote their work in the acting industry. 4K footage will be handed off to faculty for editing and distribution.

Outcome: To date, we’ve worked with two cohorts of 10-12 students. Each student performed 3-4 takes for each monologue and scene, with a faculty member directing their performance while OLC staff managed the recording.

Continue reading “Case Study: Senior Showcases”

August Update

Image: Screenshot from “SmitCast Ep3” featuring Alice Yang.

Media Production in July

  • • 14 hours of consultations with faculty and staff in College of Health Professions, Continuing Education, Office of Admissions, and Pace Online.
  • • 5 videos produced (52 minutes total) and 2 edited projects.
  • • Additionally, we published 2 podcast episodes featuring Pace international students and staff.

Updates and Highlights

  • – We continued preproduction with Nan Solomons on multimedia for the upcoming launch of the interdisciplinary program in Health Informatics. In particular, we were exploring the use of Adobe Character Animator to create weekly video updates.
  • –  Ever wonder how a project goes from start to finish? We’ve been creating case studies highlighting OLC services.
  • – Smit produced and published two more episodes of SmitCast, featuring Pace students and staff talking about their experiences in NYC.
  • Studio upgrade: we installed a “PTZFly” camera controller for smooth position and zoom adjustments.
Image: The new PTZ controller.
  • Production Tip of the month: Use Panopto to add an additional “audio description” (AD) track to describe what is happening in the video for people with visual impairments. See an example here.

  • Please contact OLC staff to reserve studio time or collaborate with us.

Case Study: Capstone Presentations

Faculty: HEASA faculty (Shawn O’Riley, Program Chair)

Course: HEASA Capstone

Goal: Record in-person and online (Zoom) student presentations, including Q&A. Make videos of rehearsal presentations available to students. Archive final videos online (on Pace Library’s institutional repository) to be used as examples for future cohorts.

Outcome: We’ve hosted four Capstone sessions to date, and recorded 25+ final presentations.


Faculty for the Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs (HEASA) program wanted high-quality recordings of the program’s culminating experience: a 15-minute “Capstone” presentation on original research.

Continue reading “Case Study: Capstone Presentations”

Case Study: Supplemental Video Lectures

Professor Strahs

Faculty: Professor Dan Strahs (Biology, Dyson College)

Course: Advanced Biochemistry

Goal: Create a set of short videos (~20 minutes each) to extend instruction of advanced biochemistry examples beyond the classroom. Publish videos to an existing course as supplementary content.

Outcome: To date, we’ve produced 8 lectures (3+ hours total).


In the fall of  2022, Professor Dan Strahs came to the OLC with the goal of capturing lecture content he doesn’t have time to deliver in person. Making additional short lectures available on Classes would allow him to walk students through highly relevant examples.

Continue reading “Case Study: Supplemental Video Lectures”