Year in Review

Media Production in 2022

With the Online Learning Center opening in late January 2022, faculty from across the University have developed video and related media for their courses and projects. In total, OLC staff have held 245 hours of consultations with faculty, and collaboratively produced 444 videos. With each video averaging about 8 minutes in length, this is over 62 hours of video. It was a great first year, and we’re looking forward to new and diverse projects in 2023! See OLC Monthly Updates for project highlights (and video examples). As always, please contact OLC staff with your questions, ideas, or production needs.

January Update

It’s a great time to plan for your spring courses. We hope you will contact OLC staff with question, ideas, or production needs!

Media Production in December

  • 29 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Education, CPH (Health), and Haub Law.
  • 44 videos produced (461 minutes total) and 21 additional videos edited.

Updates and Highlights

  • • The OLC hosted its third HEASA Capstone event, where masters students present their original work and research in the field of Higher Education Administration.
  • • Video production continued for the Paralegal Certificate program with modules on legal writing.
  • HEASA students present their work to their colleagues. The event was streamed (via Zoom) and recorded for the Pace University Institutional Repository (maintained by the library).

December Update

A screenshot from Professor Strahs’ Panopto “session.” We continue to develop and improve this rich multimedia format.

It’s a great time to plan for your spring courses. We hope you will contact OLC staff with question, ideas, or production needs!

Media Production in November

  • 44 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, CPH (Health), Haub Law, and Lubin.
  • 53 videos produced (587 minutes total) and 12 additional videos edited.

Updates and Highlights

  • • This month we’ve begun supporting the Pace Performing Arts department with production support for their BFA Senior Showcase performances. OLC staff filmed the sessions where PPA faculty provide creative and technical direction to the students throughout the semester. We hope to continue this work with the spring 2023 showcases!
  • • Professor Strahs (Dyson/Biology) continued creating videos using Panopto’s “sessions” format for his advanced biochemistry curriculum (see  image above). With this format, he is able to annotate his slideshow presentation while he lectures. We simultaneously record his live screencast so students have more options when viewing his lecture in Panopto.
  • • Production for the Paralegal Certificate Program continued with modules on Legal Research and Legal Technologies.
  • • Brian has been working on developing studio plans for Pleasantville. Stay tuned for this new OLC location to open mid-spring!
OLC student assistant Smit published his first “OLC reel,” now playing on the OLC showcase display (6th floor, 1PP). On screen, we get a glimpse of a Performing Arts’ Senior Showcase session in the OLC. Nice work!

Ready to record? Book a consultation or production time in the OLC studios. We look forward to working with you!

The Accelerate Conference

An image of a future learner as imagined by the Ed3DAO group, titled “Ed3 Educators NFT mock up with compass & holo glasses.”

I attended many virtual sessions of the “Accelerate 2022” conference hosted by the Online Learning Consortium (another “OLC!”) – my first time attending any OLC conference. The OLC is a non-profit organization that supports a range of professional development and quasi-academic (more white-paper than full research) offerings. In its own words:

OLC is a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and engage the modern learner – anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Below are the top themes I took away from the conference, with an emphasis on how educational leaders can continue to evolve university services.

Connect Learning to Employment

This was a major theme of Amelia Parnell’s keynote talk on “How Online and Blended Learning Can Accelerate Student Success.” She highlighted the continuing focus on the future of the “Learning and Employment Record” (digital portfolios, badges, etc.). She also noted the importance of Prior Learning Assessments (“PLAs”) for attracting and graduating students (students using PLAs completed their credentials at a 20+% higher rate).

Support Faculty Video Development

OK, we’re preaching to the choir here, but it’s still important. Not unexpected from a conference about online learning, but several sessions highlighted the importance of adding original video to courses. A session on “Building Hyflex Programs through Cross-functional Collaboration” looked at how faculty were more successful at deploying multimedia with university staff support. A session on “The Influence of Instructor-Generated Video Content” highlighted how using videos to communicate class expectations led to better a faculty experience with students throughout the semester.

Teach with Confidence

I enjoyed learning some public speaking and performance tips from Jory Basso (founder of Hybrid Health and Fitness, an integrative health clinic in downtown Toronto). Here are his “9 tips for public speaking:


Change with The Internet

In a “Technology and Future Trends” session, speakers discussed structural changes to the web (i.e., “Web3”, “Web 3.0,” etc.) and possibly implications and possibilities for educational institutions and learners. I’ll let this one speak for itself:

The internet is changing and online learning will necessarily change with it. Terms like “crypto,” “blockchain,” “NFT,” “DAO,” and “Web3” are possibly not entirely new to you, but do you know what to expect when these stop being theoretical and become infused into the very bedrock of online learning? Join our panel of experts and educators to help answer questions like “What problem does this solve?,” “What value does this add?,” “How does it work?,” and “What does it even do?”

The panel was comprised of 4 people who are all involved in a “decentralized, autonomous organization” called Ed3DAO. While they were certainly selling their Koolaid, they also had some interesting ideas about the future of credentialing using blockchain technology.

The future-leaning agenda for the session. I appreciated the AI-generated art that the presenters used to illustrate their slides.

Build Your Platform

And not just figuratively: a session on the “Barnes Foundation’s Digital Learning Platform” was about designing, engineering, and testing their new learning platform. As they are in the art education space, the Foundation built a unique web-based experience for remote learners to experience art education as taught by Barnes educators. The ability for learners to toggle between “self-exploration” and “instructor-led exploration” was very slick.

A look at the Barnes’ platform design process.

And more!

“Global Online Academy is a nonprofit organization that reimagines learning to empower students and educators to thrive in a globally networked society. Our consortium is composed of member schools from around the world who are committed to preparing their communities for the future… All of our courses are designed to support the development of GOA’s six core competencies.”

That’s what I was able to glean from this experience with the Online Learning Consortium community. After many years of seeing OLC publications, this was my first time attending one of their conferences. In whole, it wasn’t particularly strong on research, theory, or business. It was more like a passing glance at some current issues in the vast field of online education. I’m glad I was able to engage with this content, but based on the overall quality of the conference presentations, I’m not sure I would attend again anytime soon.


November Update

Image: A Panopto session featuring Professor Strahs, filmed in the OLC.

It’s a great time to plan for your spring courses. Reach out to OLC staff with question, ideas, or production needs!

The OLC welcomes Smit Goswani as a student assistant. With an interest in the possibilities of media and marketing, Smit is a student in the Masters in Social Media and Mobile Marketing program (Lubin).

Media Production in October

  • 24.5 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, CPH (Health), Haub Law, and Lubin.
  • 11 videos produced (272 minutes total) and 32 additional videos edited.

Updates and Highlights

  • • Brian (OLC) and Joe Seijo (Instructional Design) hosted a faculty webinar on creating engaging video. View the recorded Zoom session here.
  • • Production for the Paralegal Certificate Program continued in October with modules on Legal Technologies and Criminal Law.
  • • Professor Strahs (Dyson/Biology) created multiple videos using Panopto’s “sessions” format for his advanced biochemistry curriculum. With this format, he is able to annotate his slideshow presentation while he lectures. Using the green screen, we simultaneously recorded his screencast so students have more options when viewing his lecture in Panopto.
  • • While not a regular OLC service, we had fun shooting and editing headshots for the Pace Online team. Looking good, team!

Ready to record? Book a consultation or production time in the OLC studios. We look forward to working with you!

Managing Effectively

Today I attended a Human Resources webinar on “Managing Effectively at Pace.” Although it doesn’t seem especially relevant to a blog about educational media, it’s really relevant to any collaborative activity – and developing educational content is always collaborative! To that end, I’ve highlighted some interesting points from the presentation below.

  • • Managers should be able to discuss, share, and promote Pace’s Strategic Plan
A slide describing main points of Pace’s Strategic Plan.
  • • All staff should uphold civility in the workplace, and managers should model civil behavior.
A slide with descriptive examples of “civility” and “incivility.”
  • • Managers should be prepared for “difficult conversations” – conversations with staff members about behavior that needs to change.
A slide with some tips about preparing for and having productive conversations about behavioral change.

Of course these are only a few of the issues that were discussed in the webinar. There are many aspects of management that require knowledge, preparation, and skill. But each of these aspects of management has corollaries in creative collaborations, and I would summarize them as important aspects of Understanding, Action, and Communication.

Reflecting on each example above gives me ideas about how to collaborate effectively.

Thanks to the HR team (Sia Bundor, Luciana Ziegler, and others) who developed and delivered the session!

October Update

Are you new or returning Pace faculty? Create media in the OLC Studio this fall! Are you a Pace student with an interest in See our job posting for a part-time student assistant.

In the studio with Professor Hatcliffe lecturing on “civil practice.”

Media Production in September

  • 20.5 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Lubin, and Haub Law.
  • 25 videos produced (400 minutes total) and 26 additional videos edited for courses in Dyson, Lubin, and Pace Online.

Updates and Highlights

  • • Production for the Paralegal Certificate Program continued in September with modules on Civil Practice and Criminal Law (see above).
  • • With Professor Strahs (Dyson/Biology) we are developing an OLC capacity for creating Panopto multi-stream sessions with the TriCaster and green screen.

Ready to record? Book a consultation or production time in the OLC studios. We look forward to working with you!

September Update

Are you new or returning Pace faculty? Create media with us in the OLC Studio this fall! Looking ahead, we’re excited to help the Communications program develop studio capacity for their students, and help Pace’s University Relations team record interviews. We’re also seeking to hire student workers for the fall… Look for the job post in early September!

Media Production in August

  • 27 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.
  • 28 videos produced (570 minutes total) and 21 additional videos edited for courses in Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.

Updates and Highlights

  • • Production for the Paralegal Certificate Program continued in August with a module on Criminal Law.
  • • Pace faculty members created videos for their fall courses. (See Professor Gregory-Martin in the photos below!)
  • • We hosted summer participants for HEASA Capstone presentations.
  • • Brian participated in several of Ed Media’s “Virtual Prep” sessions for faculty, with faculty signing up for subsequent studio sessions.
  • • As always, studio maintenance continues. Brian continued to test and develop the “Selfshot Workstation,” maintained the TriCaster, and brought all Mac workstations up to date. 


    Professor Gregory-Martin recording “introduction” videos for four of her fall courses.
    The virtual composition of Professor Gregory-Martin’s presentation

    Ready to make a video for a course? Book a consultation or production time in the OLC studios. We look forward to working with you!

August Update

Looking ahead, we’ve got some exciting projects underway in the OLC. Video production for the new Paralegal Certificate Program continues with a module on Legal Ethics. We are helping several graduates of the HEASA program (Higher Ed Admin and Student Affairs) record testimonials of their experience for sharing with future prospective students. And several faculty are preparing videos to introduce their Fall 2022 courses. Join us in the OLC and enjoy the AC!

Media Production in July

  • 8 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.
  • 4 videos produced (91 minutes total) and 24 videos edited for courses in Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.

Updates and Highlights

July was lighter production month, but that allowed for several technical and creative projects:

  • • Assembly and integration of a new workstation. With planning underway for an expanded OLC footprint in Pleasantville, we are experimenting with cutting-edge media production technologies. This station is a hybrid between our two current production options: 1) the classroom studio supported with the TriCaster, and 2) our iMac-centered editing suites. An ideal combination would offer the professionalism of the TriCaster with with the flexibility of a “self-shot” station built around the OBS video application. With “live switching” for multiple video sources and live mixing for multiple audio sources, this station could also be used for sophisticated live online teaching.
  • The “pilot” workstation is under development. Testing includes ease-of-use, flexibility, and new equipment integration possibilities.
  • • Green screen postproduction was completed on Brian’s interview with Professor Rolandi. This multi-camera interview introduces Steve and his work in public administration. The technical challenge was shooting the interview before choosing green screen plates. This year we will build a Pace-themed library of useful backgrounds for use with the green screen.
  • A still from Brian’s interview with Professor Rolandi.