September Update

Are you new or returning Pace faculty? Create media with us in the OLC Studio this fall! Looking ahead, we’re excited to help the Communications program develop studio capacity for their students, and help Pace’s University Relations team record interviews. We’re also seeking to hire student workers for the fall… Look for the job post in early September!

Media Production in August

  • 27 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.
  • 28 videos produced (570 minutes total) and 21 additional videos edited for courses in Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.

Updates and Highlights

  • • Production for the Paralegal Certificate Program continued in August with a module on Criminal Law.
  • • Pace faculty members created videos for their fall courses. (See Professor Gregory-Martin in the photos below!)
  • • We hosted summer participants for HEASA Capstone presentations.
  • • Brian participated in several of Ed Media’s “Virtual Prep” sessions for faculty, with faculty signing up for subsequent studio sessions.
  • • As always, studio maintenance continues. Brian continued to test and develop the “Selfshot Workstation,” maintained the TriCaster, and brought all Mac workstations up to date. 


    Professor Gregory-Martin recording “introduction” videos for four of her fall courses.
    The virtual composition of Professor Gregory-Martin’s presentation

    Ready to make a video for a course? Book a consultation or production time in the OLC studios. We look forward to working with you!

August Update

Looking ahead, we’ve got some exciting projects underway in the OLC. Video production for the new Paralegal Certificate Program continues with a module on Legal Ethics. We are helping several graduates of the HEASA program (Higher Ed Admin and Student Affairs) record testimonials of their experience for sharing with future prospective students. And several faculty are preparing videos to introduce their Fall 2022 courses. Join us in the OLC and enjoy the AC!

Media Production in July

  • 8 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.
  • 4 videos produced (91 minutes total) and 24 videos edited for courses in Education, Health, Law, and Pace Online.

Updates and Highlights

July was lighter production month, but that allowed for several technical and creative projects:

  • • Assembly and integration of a new workstation. With planning underway for an expanded OLC footprint in Pleasantville, we are experimenting with cutting-edge media production technologies. This station is a hybrid between our two current production options: 1) the classroom studio supported with the TriCaster, and 2) our iMac-centered editing suites. An ideal combination would offer the professionalism of the TriCaster with with the flexibility of a “self-shot” station built around the OBS video application. With “live switching” for multiple video sources and live mixing for multiple audio sources, this station could also be used for sophisticated live online teaching.
  • The “pilot” workstation is under development. Testing includes ease-of-use, flexibility, and new equipment integration possibilities.
  • • Green screen postproduction was completed on Brian’s interview with Professor Rolandi. This multi-camera interview introduces Steve and his work in public administration. The technical challenge was shooting the interview before choosing green screen plates. This year we will build a Pace-themed library of useful backgrounds for use with the green screen.
  • A still from Brian’s interview with Professor Rolandi.

July Update

Media Production in June

  • • 21.5 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Health, and Pace Online.
  • • 61 videos (650 minutes total) produced and edited for courses in Accounting, Law, and Pace Online.

Updates and Highlights

Summer is a great time to tackle bigger projects. Maybe you want to create new media for a course, or kickstart a production that will evolve over time. This month over a dozen faculty have come to the OLC with new projects in mind, and many productions have already started to take shape.

Professor Sophie Kaufman is creating a series of videos on mindfulness for the College of Health Professions. Her goal is for all Pace students and staff to have access to resources for bringing “mindfulness practice” into our lives.
Professor David Dorfman is creating the first resources for Pace’s forthcoming Paralegal Certificate Program. Multiple faculty from the Elisabeth Haub School of Law will ultimately contribute to this new online (asynchronous) program that will support a students and professionals seeking to expand their work in the field of law.

June Update

Media Production in May

  • • 27.5 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Education, Health, and Pace Online.
  • • 55 videos (940 minutes total) produced and edited for courses (Accounting, Education, Management) and special events (Pace Online Graduation).

Updates and highlights

  • • The Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs (HEASA) Capstone event was hosted in the OLC with a live audience and live broadcast.
  • • Pace Online Graduation was produced by and broadcast from the OLC.
  • • Planning is underway to develop video series for the Fall ’22 semester, including courses in Accounting, Biology, Computer Science, Film Studies, Finance, and Health.
a speaker in a meeting
A screenshot from “Pace Online Graduation 2022” event produced at the OLC.
Recording a professional collaboration for the College of Health Professions.

May Update

Media Production in April

  • •  25 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Seidenberg, Health, Law, and Pace Online.
  • • 19 videos (272 minutes total) produced for courses (Biology, Education, Finance), programs (Health), and special events (Pace Online Graduation).

Updates and Highlights

  • •  Brian developed the AV design and specifications of a new “Selfshot” video production station. The goal is to test possibilities for future OLC studio spaces located on the Pleasantville campus.
  • •  Professor Joanne Singleton and her team from the College of Health Professions (and beyond) were in the OLC all day shooting a series of interviews with a variety of healthcare professionals. They used the OLC teleprompter to stay on script, and relied on “Pawfessor Spirit” to maintain a serious-but-fun atmosphere.
On the calm-yet-energetic College of Health Professions set.
Editing Suite C became a make-up studio.
Editing Suite D became a hair studio.

April Update

Let’s look at what’s been happening in the OLC!

By the numbers:

  • •  5.5 hours of consultations with faculty in Seidenberg, Dyson, Health/CHP, Lubin, and Pace Online
  • •  Videos produced for courses, program orientations, and outreach
  • •  2 faculty members attended our Open Studio event

Other updates:


student assistant with dog assistant
OLC student assistants greet Pawfessor Spirit, assisting with video preproduction for Pace’s College of Health Professions.
student assistants work at computers
Drew and Lara working on developing graphics for Pace Online graduation livestreams.

March Update

Groundhog Day
Six more weeks of winter?

February was our first full month of service! This post is a brief report on what’s been happening in the OLC.

By the numbers:

  • •  11 hours of consultations with faculty in Dyson, Health/CHP, and Lubin.
  • •  318 minutes of video produced for 2 courses


  • •  Webinar delivered in partnership with Pace’s Instructional Design team on “Creating Engaging Video for Classes” with 38 attending faculty.
  • •  Follow-up emails sent to 113 faculty across all schools and colleges.

Technology updates:


instructor at podium presenting
Professor Steve Rolandi recording a lecture for a Dyson asynchronous course.
webinar speakers
Brian (OLC) and Joe (Instructional Design) led the faculty webinar.
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