Case Study: Senior Showcases

Similar to Capstone Presentations, Senior Showcases are a great reason for faculty to take advantage of OLC services and support.

Image: Students perform a scene.

Programs: BA in Theater Arts; BFA in Acting for Stage.

Goal: Capture student performances (monologues and scenes) over several class sessions hosted in the OLC. Students will use recordings to promote their work in the acting industry. 4K footage will be handed off to faculty for editing and distribution.

Outcome: To date, we’ve worked with two cohorts of 10-12 students. Each student performed 3-4 takes for each monologue and scene, with a faculty member directing their performance while OLC staff managed the recording.


In the fall of 2022, Program chairs Ianthe Demos and Adrienne Kapstein approached the OLC with the hope of better supporting faculty and students in the Performing Arts programs. Performance reels (~3-minute performance videos) have become an industry standard for auditions, but Pace has been under-equipped to support students in creating reels in the classroom. We scheduled four course sessions for BFA students in the fall and four more sessions for BA students in the spring.


The OLC studio classroom is a perfect environment for these classes. Faculty can teach while OLC staff manage lights, mics, cameras, and the environment to get the shot.

Before each session, OLC staff prepared the studio to specifications. In the fall, we recorded on-camera to get the desired 4K footage. By spring, we were able to utilize the TriCaster (after a technical upgrade in February).

Image: Professor Christina Lind directs a student performance.

Lighting the shot was a collaboration. Professor Lind opted for a dramatic “spotlight” look, whereas the spring faculty (Nora Woolley and Anne Davison) opted for a brighter “daylight” look.

Once the footage was shot, video files were transferred to the faculty member on a USB drive. OLC staff also archived a copy of the footage to retain during the semester, and uploaded “dailies” to Panopto. Faculty were responsible for postproduction.

It’s great working with Sands College of Performing Arts faculty! Congratulations to all the student on their inspiring performances.

We hope you’ve found this OLC case study useful. Are you ready to try something out? Do you have any questions? Please contact OLC staff to begin collaborating with us or reserve studio time.